

Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory

AGE: 18-Adult


Updated in 2009 with combined gender norms and a new Inconsistency (W) scale, the empirically validated, relevant, and reliable MCMI-III assessment provides support for the opinions of psychologists and other mental health professionals in clinical, counseling, medical, forensic, and other settings.

Users & Applications

Engaging and accessible, the MCMI-III is ideal for use with individuals being evaluated for emotional, behavioral, or interpersonal difficulties. The instrument helps:

  • Assess the interaction of Axis I and Axis II disorders based on the DSM-IV® classification system
  • Identify the deeper and pervasive personality characteristics underlying a patient’s overt symptoms
  • Gain an integrated understanding of the relationship between personality characteristics and clinical syndromes to facilitate treatment decisions

Features & Benefits

  • Developed by Dr. Theodore Millon and supported by more than 30 years of research
  • Updated norms increase the utility of the MCMI-III in forensic settings
  • A new inconsistency scale has been added, which greatly improves the ability of the instrument to detect random responding
  • Correlates with DSM-IV®
  • Time-efficient and cost-effective, the MCMI-III is designed to obtain the maximum amount of information with a minimal amount of patient effort
  • The Grossman Facet Scales identify personality processes that underlie overall scale elevations on the Personality Patterns scales

Pearson Interpretive: $77.
Pearson Profile Report $54.
Corrections Interpretive Report: $70.
Test Booklet: $8.

Sample Pearson Interpretive Report Sample Profile  Report Sample Corrections Interpretive Report

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