

Millon® College Counseling Inventory

AGE: 16 – 40


The MCCI® (Millon® College Counseling Inventory) is a multi-dimensional personality assessment that can help you address your struggling students’ concerns and get them back to a healthy state-of-mind.

Normed on college and university students and taking only 20 minutes to administer, this easy-to-interpret test addresses student-specific issues, including:

  • Depression
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Adjustment and Relationship Difficulties
  • Alcohol/Drug Abuse
  • Suicidal Ideation

How to Use This Test

The MCCI offers support to college counseling professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and other mental health and guidance personnel. This dynamic instrument can help you:

  • Confirm personality and diagnostic hypotheses
  • Document students’ problematic tendencies and concerns
  • Contribute to personalized treatment planning
  • Monitor treatment interventions and assess outcomes
  • Make appropriate referrals to outside clinics

Key Features

  • The MCCI was normed on college and university students ages 16-40 years old, and incorporates themes closely associated with students facing the stresses of college life.
  • This practical tool helps assess a broad range of factors using one multidimensional instrument.
  • Taking 25 minutes or less to complete, the MCCI test helps gather a wealth of information in a minimal amount of time–an important consideration for busy college counselors and on-the-go students.

Interpretive Report: $48.
Answer Sheet (w/test items): $0.

Sample Interpretive Report

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